Our Tools of the Trade

In focus image of a hand adjusting a full size camera on a blurred background

Working with clients on training and HR-related content shows a consistent theme - young people do not always understand what the roles they are applying for actually entail if they get them. This lack of understanding can lead to greater-than-usual attrition rates within the first year, as roles don’t meet the expectations of recent recruits. As a result, the question for HR teams was - "How do we manage expectations and increase retention?”

The answer was simple: Show them the reality - pros and cons - and do it with video.

If you didn’t already know, video is scientifically proven to increase audience engagement and knowledge retention—but there is more to it than that. While various types and lengths of video work for different purposes, short-form video is now our young people's go-to information consumption method. But how do you leverage this medium to your advantage?

We have already worked with several organisations to produce workplace introduction videos for them to use in their recruitment campaigns or school visits. These films featured actual employees from the firms talking about real-life examples of their daily tasks and the difficulties involved. Whilst this worked to explain the roles applicants could expect to be in, the video subjects also spoke about the benefits of working for the organisations and the fantastic opportunities open to them.  This honest approach resonated with younger recruits by making potential recruits aware of the nature of the workplace and the tasks involved, with our clients experiencing higher retention rates and less employee dissatisfaction. 

So, what was next? Because young people consume information through short-form videos on TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram Reels, etc., we approached clients with the idea of using targeted short-form video as a format to reach users of these platforms earlier.

Showing short videos of each role available in social media campaigns or on their website enables our clients to inspire potential recruits on their preferred platforms. Also, by showcasing some of the less apparent roles and opportunities available within the organisation, employers can increase their recruitment to the roles not traditionally associated with their sectors.

To demonstrate how this approach works, we broke down the process of producing a typical video into 14 stages, creating a short-form video for each. check them out in the playlist below, taken from our Vimeo channel, or on our TikTok or Instagram channels.

Working with young people is the tried and tested method for developing the next generation of your workforce, so it makes sense to use short-form video to show this next generation what your organisation has to offer.

Get in touch to find out more and see how this approach could work for your organisation -



A Case Study in Delivering Knowledge Effectively…